Downtown Innovation District
“Downtown is the place to come for fun experiences with family and friends. We are building a downtown community that focuses on the arts, entertainment, and entrepreneurship. Our approach juxtaposes the historic architecture with innovative ideas that will help sustain economic vitality through unique businesses, loft living and fun events and boost our entire city. Good things are coming!”
Grenada’s Downtown, the emotional heart of our city, has long been neglected and abandoned, a victim of the interstate, big box stores, the internet, and more. Downtowns all over the country, however, are being re-purposed and re-loved. We have rich history, lovely buildings, and unique assets waiting to take on new life.
Changes are taking place. 23 buildings in the Downtown District have recently changed hands. First & Green Celebrations underwent a 2 year renovation and opened its doors in January 2016. The former “Grenada Hardware” has been rebuilt, top to bottom, with 4,000 sq ft. of event space downstairs, complete with state of the art kitchen, and 3 luxury loft apartments upstairs.
More renovations are taking place, and many more plans are in progress. Our efforts are divided into 5 Task Forces: Vision, Design, Promotion, Fundraising, and Economic Vitality.
The purpose of the Grenada Downtown District FaНade Improvement Program is to provide consulting services free of charge and financial incentive grants to building owners or commercial tenants located within the Grenada Downtown District. The consulting services are provided by competent, diligent experts in the field associated with the Grenada Downtown District. The incentive grants are funded through the Grenada Community Foundation and administered by Grenada Downtown District. Restoration of individual facades improves the visual appearance of the entire downtown, which is critical both to the success of individual businesses and to the economic health and vitality of the district, and the city, as a whole. The Grenada Downtown District offers two levels of Facade Improvement Support: (1) Consulting Services and (2) Incentive Facade Grants.
Businesses or property owners interested in receiving free consulting services must meet the following criteria:
1) The business or owner must be located within the boundaries of the Grenada Downtown District. A map of the District is attached.
2) The business or owner must make a written request for services submitted to 81 S. Church St., Grenada, MS 38901.
3) Consulting services will be provided to appropriate applicants as soon as scheduling by the necessary experts is available.
4) Consulting services will be provided throughout the year as needed and based on availability of Grenada Downtown District experts.
Businesses or property owners interested in applying for a grant must meet the following criteria:
1) The business or owner must be located within the boundaries of the Grenada Downtown District. A map of the District is attached.
2) The business or owner must fill out a complete application detailing plans for the proposed alterations.
3) Grant awards will be on an annual basis, or upon availablity of funding, and range between $500 and $1,000 per applicant.
4) The applicant must provide a 1 to 1 cash or in-kind match (donated materials/service) for the project.
5) The applicant will agree to comply with all local land use laws as well as any local or state laws pertinent to the project such as, but not limited to: Building Codes, the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and the State Historic Preservation Act (for historic structures).
6) Grant will be awarded to grantees upon completion of the project.
7) Applications must meet one of the eligible project categories (see below) to be eligible for consideration.
8) Projects cannot have started prior to a grant award.
9) Projects must be reviewed by the Grenada Downtown District to ensure that the project is in compliance with retaining the historic significance of the building.
All applicants that meet the above criteria will have their applications reviewed and rated by the Grenada Downtown District Review Committee. The Grenada Downtown District Review Committee will present all recommendations for project awards to the Board of the Grenada Downtown District for final approval.
Who enjoys having FREE events on our beautiful downtown square? NOW is the time to support the effort. If you’d like to make a secure tax-deductible donation, complete the form below. Join now to get early notice of all events and programs and a beautiful Downtown District mug. We will invoice annually on July 1.
Steering Committee
Deborah Bailey • James Hardiman • Sabrina Howell • Isabella Kinder
Alan Michael • Mamie Swims • Gary Worsham (ex-officio)
Honored Former Members
Girault Jones • Kevin Moore
Projects & Awards
Business Openings:
SquareView at First & Main Apartments, 80 Main
Square Market, 109 First
Green Street Clinic, 155 Green
Downtown Antiques & More, 67C First
E&E Designs, 67A-B First
Caldwell Winchell & Company, 71 First
L&R Engineering, 67B First
Molly’s Place, A Bar & Grill, 120 Green
Crane’s Tax, 151 Green
The Nest Egg, 128 First
Legacy Dance Studio, 171 Main
Fountain of Life Alkaline Water, 187 Main
Engagements Bridal & Formal Wear Boutique, 178 Main
Lofts on the Square, 113 First
Jas Cuff Event Space, 135 First
Guaranty Bank, 131 First
Mamie Swims Counseling, 135 First
Palmer Law Offices, 135 First
Ozark Trucking, 81 S Church
AFLAC Insurance, 81 S Church
Railway Logix, 81 S Church
Partner Grants to Date:
Grenada Garden Club (Improvements to Downtown Square)
Friends of Chakchiuma Swamp (Master Planning)
Grenada Afterglow Film Festival
Ongoing Events & Projects:
Grenada Farmers Market
Grenada Community Garden
Downtown District Facade Improvement Grant
Community Visioning
Music & Art programming
FREE Family Movie Nights
Moore Scholarship for Adult Development
Completed Projects:
Removed and replaced 36 dead trees downtown
Pressure washed area surrounding the Square
Held 6 Downtown 2.0 Tours & Visioning Sessions
Wine tastings
Craft Beer Events
Created GG365
Pop-up choir, live-streamed
New Year’s Eve Ball
Employability Initiative
Established Early Learning Advantage Center, and ran for 5 years.
Incentive Facade Grants to Date:
James Vance (36 Main Street)
Amy James (The Nest Egg, 128 First Street)
Deborah Bailey (Molly’s Place, 120 Green Street)
Ronald Ray (Crane’s Tax Services, 141 Green Street)
James Hardiman (Aurora Building, 312 First Street)
James Vance (Evans Building, 171 Main Street)
Bethany McRee (Historic Post Office, 178 Main Street)